Labor Market Information

Available Information

Business Services representatives are available to provide employers with a detailed current statistical analysis relevant to the Kenosha area including:

  • Wage and Salary Information
    • A comprehensive analysis of Kenosha County Labor Market Information is available. We can assist you with interpreting, examining, and establishing pay structures for your employees
  • Population and Civilian Labor Force Growth
    • Southeast Wisconsin (Kenosha, Racine, Walworth Counties) Future Workforce
      Provides you with a comprehensive study of existing population, workforce, and projections by occupation.
  • Employment Change by Industry
  • Commuting Patterns
  • Employment Information

Wisconsin Labor Market Information

WisConomy is Wisconsin’s workforce and labor market information (LMI) portal. Updated technology incorporated into the site gives users the ability to select and customize the types of LMI needed.

M7 (Milwaukee 7)

The Milwaukee 7 was formed to create a regional, cooperative economic development platform for the seven counties of Southeastern Wisconsin: Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Walworth, Waukesha and Washington. Its mission is to attract, retain and grow diverse businesses and talent.

Together, these seven counties have a wealth of corporate headquarters, a pool of highly skilled workers and world-class amenities. Competing as a region broadens our range of choices and opportunities. It gives us the competitive edge that we need today and into the future.

Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission

The Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission links to profiles for Kenosha County and selected municipalities within the county. You will also find the name of a local economic development professional who is available to assist you.

A Proud Partner of the American Job Center Network