Victim's Guide to Restitution

General Principles of Restitution

Restitution must be determined before imposing sentence or ordering probation. If the court finds a substantial reason not to order it, the reasons must be fully stated on the record.

Restitution is payable to a victim, the parent or guardian of a victim, or the victim’s estate. A victim can also be a governmental entity.

If you have applied for Crime Victim Compensation in Madison, and they approve and pay your bills, restitution will be ordered to pay them back, not you. You can request restitution for only your out-of-pocket loss, not your insurance companies. Your insurance company would have to contact us separately to receive restitution.

What kinds of things can I request restitution for?

  • All medical, psychological, physical and occupational rehabilitation services (co-pays and out of pocket only)
  • Property Loss or reasonable repair and replacement cost.
  • Funeral Expenses
  • Lost Income
  • Investigative expenses

Examples of Things You May NOT Ask for in Criminal Court

  • Pain and suffering
  • Interest
  • Outstanding restitution in an unrelated case.
  • A civil judgment for non-payment of restitution, if you’ve already been compensated by the defendant in CIVIL court. Double Recovery is not allowed.
  • Your Insurance companies costs

Payment of Restitution by the Defendant

Payment can be made by the defendant in installments if placed on probation. If sent to prison, payments often do not begin until defendants are released. The Department of Corrections collects and disburses restitution for defendants placed on probation and/or sent to prison. Any questions regarding restitution collection or disbursal should be made by calling the Department of Corrections at 262-653-7150. Ask to speak to the agent assigned to your offender.

The judge can order that the defendant pays within a certain time frame. The payment period cannot be longer than the length of probation, parole or extended supervision. If the defendant is ordered to pay restitution, but NOT placed on probation, the judge can order a civil judgment be awarded to the victim. The Clerk of Courts can then initiate tax intercepts in an attempt to get victims their money back. This process can take up to a year or more and unfortunately, does not guarantee that the victim will receive their money. Restitution can also be given to the victim from any bond monies that may have been posted by the defendant, after the sentencing has been completed.

Restitution Documentation Checklist

  • Have you included copies of your bills?
  • Have you included repair estimates?
  • If you have lost property acquire estimates as to how much it would cost to replace your lost items, and include those with your paperwork.
  • Have your employer fill out the "Employer Wage Loss Verification" form available from your victim advocate at the District Attorney’s Office.
  • Keep track of how many hours you miss work for court or court preparation

Restitution Hearings

If at the time of sentencing, the defendant wishes to contest the amount being requested by the victim, the judge can order a restitution evaluation hearing be heard at a later date. At that time, detailed documentation will be required to ensure the issuance of a restitution order for the victim.

Copies of all insurance payments, bills, statements of lost wages from employers, and any other out-of-pocket expenses must be submitted by the victim to ensure they receive what they are asking for. This documentation should be provided to the District Attorney’s Office prior to sentencing. Restitution hearings are typically heard by one of the Kenosha County Court Commissioners.

If you attend a restitution hearing, bring in all necessary documentation to support your claims, unless, you have already provided those to the District Attorney’s Office.

An assistant district attorney may appear as a friend of the court at the restitution hearing. You will have to take the stand and testify as to your out-of-pocket expenses, and what, specifically, they were for. If the court commissioner is satisfied with your testimony and the documentation that the assistant district attorney provides, you will be awarded restitution.

For more information regarding restitution or if you have questions pertaining to restitution in a specific case contact the Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office at 262-653-2400