Tai Chi for Seniors Videos

Rich Marantz - Tai Chi Instructor

26th generation Wudang Long Men lineage holder
Certified Tai-chi Qigong teacher
Certified external-qi healer
Member of the North American Wudang Taoist Association

Tai Chi for Seniors is a series of 6 short online videos, each working on a different move. As with any physical activity, be sure to check with your doctor before beginning a new routine.

Tai Chi Video Lessons

Video LessonDescription
What is Tai Chi for Senior Citizens?Tai Chi for senior citizens is a simplified martial art that is designed to help improve general health. Learn how Tai Chi for senior citizens can help you from a professional Tai Chi instructor in this free martial arts video.
Tai Chi: Circle the Hands Movement
Circle the hands is a Tai Chi movement that practitioners use for anxiety and high stress. Learn to perform this maneuver and calm your mind from a professional Tai Chi instructor in this free martial arts video.
Tai Chi: Preparation Movement
The preparation movement, in Tai Chi, is a great maneuver for draining the body of negative stress. Learn more about the preparation movement from a professional Tai Chi instructor in this free martial arts video.
Tai Chi: Scoop the Sea and Look Up at the Sky Movement
It’s important to avoid folding at the waist, in Tai Chi, when performing the scoop the sea and look up at the sky movement. Learn some more tips for executing this sequence from a professional Tai Chi instructor in this free martial arts video.
Tai Chi: Withdraw and Push Movement
The withdraw and push movement, in Tai Chi, is a great maneuver for cleansing the body. Learn how to perform the withdraw and push movement from a professional Tai Chi instructor in this free martial arts video.
Tai Chi: Wave Hands Like Clouds Movement
Wave the hands like clouds is a Tai Chi movement that’s great for helping senior citizens relieve tension. Learn to perform wave the hands like clouds from a professional Tai Chi instructor in this free martial arts video.