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1. What is West Nile virus?
2. How is West Nile Virus spread?
3. Are older adults more at risk for West Nile Virus?
4. Where did West Nile virus come from?
5. Can you get West Nile virus directly from birds?
6. Besides mosquitoes, can you get West Nile virus directly from other insects or ticks?
7. What are the symptoms of West Nile viral infection?
8. Is a woman's pregnancy at risk if she gets West Nile virus?
9. How is West Nile encephalitis treated?
10. Is there a vaccine against West Nile virus?
11. How long does it take to get sick if bitten by an infected mosquito?
12. What should I do if I think I have West Nile encephalitis?
13. What can I do to reduce my risk of becoming infected with West Nile virus?
14. What can I do around my home to help reduce exposure to mosquitoes?
15. If I live in an area where birds or mosquitoes with West Nile virus have been reported, and I am bitten by a mosquito, am I likely to get sick?
16. I've gotten a mosquito bite. Should I be tested for West Nile virus?
17. Should I report dead birds to the Health Department?
18. If a dead bird is not going to be collected, how should it be disposed of?